
While the emphasis of this site is to explore the ‘why hunt’ question, we want to leave you with some next steps if you are curious to learn more or looking to deepen your hunting experience. These resources are a launching point for those just beginning the activity, but experienced hunters can learn something new, too.  So welcome, and we wish you all the best in your hunting journey!

Why Hunt? A Guide for Lovers of Nature, Local Food, and Outdoor Recreation
A unique examination of hunting this guide explores the ecological, economic, and social benefits of hunting through the lens of conservation. Learn how individuals from all different backgrounds have found ways to connect to the land through hunting and discover ways you can expand your own land ethic and demonstrate your own connection to nature through hunting.

Reading List for Hunters
This curated reading list is recommended by “hardcore hunter and serious book worm” Mark Kenyon. It runs the gamut from historic and contemporary authors on topics from how-tos to conservation and ethics. While the list is limited by the release date of this article, the quality and timelessness of the featured books are must-reads for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of hunting.

Hunters Connect
This must-visit YouTube channel is “built for new hunters” looking to learn more about hunting at their own pace. Check out videos on hunting basics, gear selection, information on game species, and field techniques for when you harvest an animal, and so much more.

Mentor Programs
A robust list to find a mentoring program for hunting, state-by-state. It also lists regional or national organizations committed to this effort.

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources offers two exceptional programs, Learn to Hunt and Learn to Hunt for Food. Visit the website to find programs hosted in your area.