Category: Being Outdoors

What is your favorite outdoor activity? Camping? Hiking? Biking? Foraging? For many of us being outside in nature is an experience we cherish. Regardless of how different these activities are, they provide opportunities to connect us to the natural world by sparking our sense of wonder, challenging us to observe our surroundings, exposing us to the elements, and in some cases restoring us. For about 6% of the U.S. population, hunting is on the short-list of outdoor recreation activities that do just that. So whether you call yourself an outdoor enthusiast, a naturalist, or hunter, or identify as all of these, remember the value we share is our deep commitment and regard for the outdoors and the opportunities it provides.

Back to Nature

The popular travel show “Discover Wisconsin” featured an episode themed around the state’s outdoor roots. The first half of the show begins at the Aldo Leopold Foundation, arguably the birthplace of conservation. Discussing Aldo Leopold, his idea of a land ethic, and his life-long participation hunting, it sets the stage for the personal stories in […]

Honed by the Hunt

A personal account of the historical and cultural aspects of hunting in Alaska. Spending time hunting brings a deep understanding of the land and the creatures that inhabit it, and sharing those stories with other hunters creates community knowledge that is invaluable. Read the story For more articles exploring the relationships between humans and nature, […]


Finding Identity in Wilderness

Montanan David Stalling explains how time hunting was time in nature where he could truly be himself. Whether backpacking or hunting, the closeness begets a desire to be even closer. He also explores hunting makes us human but also exposes our flaws. Read the article For more articles exploring the relationships between humans and nature, […]