Every day we are bombarded with choices — many of which influence the degree of impact our individual and collective lives have on our natural resources and ultimately our planet. One such choice is whether or not to hunt.

So why do men, women, and youth choose to hunt? For many, it is an extension of their ethical relationship with the land or a demonstration of their commitment to conservation. For some, it is a way to source sustainable food. And for others, it is a cultural or family tradition or simply an opportunity to spend time outside. Explore the topics here to learn the conservation connections to hunting and why some choose to hunt.


Learn More

Easily digestible, Why Hunt? A Guide for Lovers of Nature, Local Food, and Outdoor Recreation is a resource for anyone who cares about nature.

Check out the book.

Find a Mentor

A mentor is one of the best ways to learn and get your questions answered. Several organizations provide mentoring programs.

View resources.

Hunter or not, if you have an interest in conservation this website has a wealth of resources for you to learn more about the social, economic, and ecological contributions hunters have directly and indirectly made to conservation.

You can also find other groups and organizations that provide programs, podcasts, and more. Explore these pages and start satisfying your curiosity surrounding hunting.